Hydrogen Safety Assurance
This course introduces the “Hydrogen Hazard”, exploring the differences between hydrogen and hydrocarbons (including natural gas) and how these differences can be and currently are being captured in safety and risk management tools and techniques. Existing good practice drawn from other more mature industries is presented with example case studies, including a discussion around existing standards and regulations. Current limitations and “known unknowns” of hydrogen are presented to give attendees a flavour of the necessary steps required before hydrogen can become a significant ‘element’ of the energy transition.
Les objectifs
Le public ciblé
People working in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, fluid mechanics, metrology, QSE...
Les prérequis
No prerequisites.
Le contenu de la formation
Informations importantes
Delivery method: live online : 4 x 2 hour sessions
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Choix de la session
Hydrogen Safety Assurance
Des formateurs expérimentés.Des experts pour vous perfectionner.
>1 000 sessionsDifférents formats selon vos besoins : inter/intra-entreprise, e-learning, des formations sur mesure s'appuyant sur des études de cas pratiques, ...
Certificats TÜVLa confirmation indépendante de votre qualification fraîchement acquise.