Training Diisocyanate (E-Learning) – Printing House
Training on diisocyanates for industrial applications and professional users in accordance with the REACH Regulation.
In accordance with the EU REACH Regulation, the European Commission has adopted a training obligation for all users on the handling of diisocyanates. This includes users who use diisocyanates for industrial and commercial purposes or monitor related tasks. Training is intended to ensure safe handling of diisocyanates.
Les objectifs
Le public ciblé
For persons who use diisocyanates for industrial and commercial purposes or supervise related tasks.
Les prérequis
Person who use diisocyanates for industrial.
Le contenu de la formation
Afficher les détails
Informations importantes
Important notes !
- To select the right Diisocyanate training module (e-learning), we recommend that you consult with your diisocyanate safety expert in advance.
- With this module you fulfill the training obligation according to the REACH regulation.
- The training must be completed every five years and must have been completed for the first time by August 24, 2023.
- You can also qualify as a "Safety Expert for Diisocyanates (TÜV)" and thus receive the qualification to independently conduct training on the safe handling of diisocyanates (seminar no. 05090).
- This module has been developed jointly with ISOPA and ALIPA.
If you have a disability, please contact us before registering by sending an email to We will do our best to accommodate your training needs.
Device with internet connection
Choix de la session
Training Diisocyanate (E-Learning) – Printing House
Des formateurs expérimentés.Des experts pour vous perfectionner.
>1 000 sessionsDifférents formats selon vos besoins : inter/intra-entreprise, e-learning, des formations sur mesure s'appuyant sur des études de cas pratiques, ...
Certificats TÜVLa confirmation indépendante de votre qualification fraîchement acquise.
Afficher le détail des prix
Les prix avec et sans TVA sont affichés. Ils correspondent au prix le plus bas identifiés sur le site (dans le cas où il y aurait différents prix pour une session) pour la participation d'une personne. Vous trouverez le détail des prix au niveau de chaque session.